Juanita Morgan was born and raised in Seattle, WA. She has been married 35 years to Lorenzo and they have three natural born sons, numerous (5) additional non birth sons, five grandchildren.
Juanita has an AAS Accounting degree from Seattle Central Community College, AAS Business Administration & Elementary Education from OSUIT, B.S. Mild & Moderate Disabilities from NSU, and M.Ed Educational Leadership from Southeastern State University, and is currently enrolled and working toward a doctorate degree at ORU. She worked 25 plus years as a legal assistant, 10 years in human resources and is currently a teacher at Okmulgee Public Schools as well as Cheerleading Coach.
She is an active member of Jubilee Christian Church. She enjoys helping people realize their potential, and believes everyone has a positive side. Her oldest son always says “Mom, you cannot save everyone”! My goal of as educator corresponds with my goal being part of the Homeless Shelter – helping people become active, productive citizens, and utilize their talents to reach their goals.