Okmulgee County Homeless Shelter Info

The Okmulgee County Homeless Shelter is a non-profit 501c(3) established in 1995, serving the Okmulgee, McIntosh, Hughes and Okfuskee counties. We are the only homeless shelter within a 45-mile radius serving these four counties. These rural counties have higher than average rates of poverty and homelessness that we must address daily. Our organization provides immediate shelter, food and clothing for the homeless. The shelter assists over 500 individuals and/or families with immediate shelter each year. These numbers continue to rise with each passing year. The services we provide are a very viable tool to the surrounding communities.
We have provided some type of service to over 30,000 individuals and families since our inception. We seek to strive to meet the needs of all our citizens, as our current and past records demonstrate this. Over time, the scope of our mission and our professional case management skills have increased.
Our program assists clients with full case management that includes, but is not limited to:
- Job search
- Preparation for job interviews
- Dress for success
- Resume building
- Medical and mental health appointments
- Prescriptions
- Transportation
- Photo ID
- Birth certificate
- Social Security card
- SSI disability paperwork
- Housing or other assistance

Clothing and household vouchers are given to our residents and to struggling community members and redeemed at the OCHS Thrift Store, owned and operated by the Okmulgee County Homeless Shelter. Each year, over 500 vouchers are redeemed at the thrift store, totaling over $18,000.
Our goal is to move beyond just providing immediate necessities. We want to help each person get a job (if they are able to work) and obtain stable resources for those who can’t be employed. We collaborate with the VA, Social Security, Department of Human Resources, CREOKS Mental Health, Creek Nation Housing, Public Housing Authority, Oklahoma Employment Commission, a dozen area churches, and a host of private employers and landlords on a regular basis.
We are funded through contributions, fundraisers, OCHS Thrift Store revenue and various grants. We are a proud partner of the Tulsa Area United Way (TAUW).
Our Mission Statement is “To Serve the Homeless and Strive to Prevent Homelessness.”